Thursday 31 January 2013



hurrah for lovely love

Bee woke me this morning with a question: "How old are you, Mummy?"
So I told her. She said "So you're getting closer to when you'll die one day."
And off she went to play. Thanks for that, darling!

This cheered me up, though...

(Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, along with Wild Kratts, is Bee's most recent obsession)

So it's been a gentle recovery day, today.
I ordered some pretty ribbonses from Scrapunzel (the pics are clickable)

...and I'm starting to get all Valentinesy. 
I think Bee and I need to make some of these!! From Spoonful.

I know it's not very cool or whatever to enjoy Valentines Day. I know I'm supposed to say "it's all commercial nonsense, capitalist trickery, I don't need to be told how to show people I love them, I do it every day etc. etc." but you know what? Holidays are what you make of them, and you get to choose whether to participate. And I *love* an excuse to spoil people and spread happies.

Which brings me to the February Love Project.
Last February, we painted rocks (in acrylics and nail varnish, for waterproofness) all different colours, with hearts on them, and we left them all over the place for people to find. I decided to make this a tradition every February. This year, we're doing the rocks at our monthly home-ed group (tomorrow) and then some laminated cards to tie to railings and bus stops etc at our weekly group (on Valentine's day) as well. Yay! Want to join in? I'd love to hear about it, and see photos :)

We got started a little early this year, as you can see in this post.


Wednesday 30 January 2013

starting to feel human

So I took this photo of myself to show that I'm much better... but it turns out that I still look a bit like death, so I played around with effects on it instead. Now I look like death in a more appealing vampire sort of way.

Here are some more little friends. The rather splendid purple kitty (who has a somewhat louche appearance in this photo) was made by my friend Skully. Isn't he fabulous? Those little paws are needle-felted! She has a blog which might be of interest to some of you, over at Autonimous Artisans, showcasing lots of beautiful crafters and their work, alongside her own creations. You'll love the monsters.

And yeah, we like Hello Kitty. Bee insisted I buy the one with the spex, because it looks like me. Except I've got a mouth and stuff, but I would totally rock that dress and bow combo. Though personally, I'd wear some knickers.


1. tiger-mouse

A small-sized person or child with big-sized courage, heart and a bit scrappy. Loyal, he or she will stand up for his/her friends. Willing to scrap with much larger opponents.

"My five year-old picked a fight with the twelve-year old next door -- what a tiger-mouse!"

gee thanks, kid

Today, Bee and I have been knitting together - she's been winding the yarn around the needle, while I take care of the fiddlier bits. I had forgotten until she suggested it, that I'd done the same when I was her age, with my lovely Nana/Bee's Greatnana, who we don't get to visit as often as I wish we could.

"Are you the nicest Mummy ever? Even nicer than Greatnana?"
- "I don't know. What do you think?"
"I think Greatnana is, definitely. You are nice, but she is the nicest ever. Let's phone her and tell her that, Mummy."

Since we're nearly in the month or lurrrve, we did a quick valentinesy craft today - just a little sewing card made from a cardboard box, which Bee decided to hang in the window when she'd finished. 

We've also been playing a lot of Reading Eggs and Star Fall (which is free and quite fun, but confusing for English children as all the phonics sounds are American!) to supplement Bee's reading practice. And look who I remembered today...
I loved that guy.

As for *my* reading - I'm revisiting Wuthering Heights, to see whether I still love it as much now I'm no longer a dramatic teenager. And I came across this wonderful quote:

"He was, and is yet, most likely, the wearisomest, self-righteous pharisee that ever ransacked a Bible to rake the promises to himself and fling the curses in his neighbour."

Isn't that wonderful?
And look what arrived today: our first fruit and veg delivery! And oh, doesn't it all look scrumptious?! And we're FINALLY almost well again, so I reckon this is just what we need.

So now Bee's in bed, I'm going to have a cup of tea, and get to work ripping all the CDs my bestest has leant are about a quarter of them. Yeah, that's gonna take me a while.

Tuesday 29 January 2013


(sodalite and sterling silver beads on tigertail with a sterling silver lobster clasp)
A little bling I put together today. The lovely owl pendant is from Strawberry Lemonade Boutique.

the rise and fall of Snow Queen

The rabbit ate her nose. The little barbarian.


Oh, and look who I found snuggled up on the sofa this morning :-O

If that's what it looks like, then Ariel and Jessiegirl either have very loose boundaries in their marriage, or that Ariel's gonna have some splainin' to do. Naughty.

(Ariel and her wife Jessiegirl can be found on my Little Friends post)

poorly :(

We've been so sick for nearly a week :(
I painted my nails a dark orange colour to cheer myself up, and it worked a little.

And Izzy and I got a surprise parcel from the lovely Beth Doodlecats which cheered us up LOADS! :)

 Yes, that's kitty Lego!!
Bee and I spent the whole day snuggled under blankets on the sofa watching Charilie and Lola, and colouring Star Wars pictures. And I got a bit of knitting done when she'd gone to bed.

That's the epic Dr Who scarf I'm knitting for my bestest. It's going to take the rest of my life.

Monday 28 January 2013

little friends

^ This is one of my little collections. Still on the lookout for a Brian and a Florence. 

And below is an inexplicable pig, in Romsey town centre.

This is Bee, with two of her many girls: Ariel and Jessie. Apparently they are married. Nearly all of Izzy's girl dolls are gay. She only has one boy doll - Ken - and all he ever seems to do is announce that he's going to do a wee standing up, and talk about his winkie. Which, incidentally, reminds me of a lot of boys I know!

page 13 girl

A surprising thing happened, as a result of the naked in the snow photos. I submitted them for use in a charity calendar, but must admit I was rather surprised to see my naked self in the tabloid press! I don't mind - in fact it's rather funny - but it was certainly unexpected!

Here are my favourite screenshots...

I also appeared in a number of printed media in various countries... my favourite being page 13 of The Sun (!) simply for the irony. Of all the newspapers in all the world, that was the one I considered least likely to ever find myself in.

Still: nearly £4000 raised so far, and the calendar hasn't even been printed yet. Not bad! Read about the cause here. Clicky clicky.

the day we scattered hearts

We missed our bus, and decided to have a browse around a nearby crystal shop. We bought five little stone hearts for £2, and decided to leave them all over the town for people to find <3

three moments

We made the paper bird at home-ed group. Cute, isn't he?

Here are a few other nice paper bird ideas I found...
All Things Paper
Fabewelous (a bit more complex!)

snaked in the now

Click the link: